Love in the concrete!


There was a couple who sadly had no children but they, and the husband in particular, always claimed that they loved children. Their garden bordered on to a golf course and one summer’s day the husband was laying a concrete path to a gate that led onto the course. He had one of those machines ….  Read More

Amazing Love!


At the time of writing, there are nearly 5.6 million cases of coronavirus around the world and, tragically, there have been more than 350,000 deaths confirmed. These are truly staggering figures, bearing in mind that they are almost certainly higher in reality. Out of 193 countries, only 12 have no recorded cases of the virus. ….  Read More

How is your eyesight?


In the past week we have been listening to a Government aide explaining why he ‘deviated’ from the Government’s rules on lockdown by going for a half hour drive in the countryside to test his eyesight. His statement led me to think of testing our ‘spiritual eyesight’. There were those in the New Testament, who ….  Read More

Summer at last


What a difference the sunshine makes. Lighter, brighter days; longer days we say but we really mean we have more hours of daylight in every 24 hours. God in His wisdom when He gave us time, 7 days to each week, He also gave us the seasons. After the judgement of the flood God have ….  Read More

God is good!


‘Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! for His mercy endures forever. 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy, 3 And gathered out of the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south. 4 They wandered ….  Read More

What if it does not work?


When the Prime Minister revealed his long-awaited Plan to release the nation from the lockdown brought about by Covid-19, he announced that if, at any stage, it did not work, he would have no hesitation to revert back to an earlier stage, In other words, the Plan was conditional and we all had a responsibility ….  Read More

The human touch


What have you found hard over these past weeks of lockdown and limited access to so many things? What have you missed most? So many people world-wide are missing that social interaction with family and friends, that hug, that supportive arm to lean on, even that friendly handshake. It is the human touch we miss. ….  Read More

True love


There may be times in life when we think that no one cares about us. Family may have gone, we don’t know our neighbours, friends may have grown distant and it all seems so lonely, pointless and hopeless. At such times we need to remember that God’s love for us is unconditional even though He ….  Read More

We got it wrong!


We make many decisions in our lives and sometimes admit, ‘I got it wrong’. Some wrong decisions have long-lasting consequences. During the coronavirus pandemic, Sweden decided to take a relaxed approach to the crisis, with few restrictions. However, in the midst of a rising death toll, the Prime Minister has conceded that they ‘got it ….  Read More



‘Unprecedented’ has become one of the most widely used words in this current pandemic. It has been on the lips of politicians, the media, the medical experts and even our Royalty: it expresses the fact that we have not experienced anything like it in our lifetimes. These are difficult days and life as we know ….  Read More