Hope in God


The Bible is a library of 66 books, all inspired by God but written by numerous men and women all with varying experiences of life. Psalms is the longest book with 150 chapters and in Psalm 42 the writer was sincerely seeking after God but had an aching void.  He questions himself, as if depressed:  ….  Read More

A True Friend


Psalm 23 (A Psalm of David) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. 3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of ….  Read More

Come Near


The coronavirus has dramatically transformed the ‘landscape’ of this country. Every aspect of life has been affected; even the language has changed! The ‘Get Brexit done’ slogan has been replaced with, ‘social distancing’ and ‘self-isolation’. We are entering into the unchartered waters of lengthy separation and isolation. Many are wondering when they will see their ….  Read More

Be Kind!


One of the key messages coming from the Government and others is to encourage us to be kind towards each other during the distressing circumstances we are facing. There have been some heart-warming stories, when hope has been given to individuals where there appeared to be none. We invite you to consider God’s kindness towards ….  Read More

Don’t Panic!


We have heard much in the media about panic-buying in these unprecedented times. There is nothing more guaranteed to raise panic levels in people than the prospect of the loss of physical well-being and even life itself.  Understandably, many are focused on self-preservation. The future is uncertain and the country is on tenterhooks, ‘hoping for ….  Read More

The true hope


We are approaching Easter, a time when many will recall when Jesus Christ was crucified.  Jesus’ disciples were very agitated and fearful, because they sensed He, their great Friend, was to be taken from them. Before Jesus left His disciples, He gave them every reason to have hope, and that an eternal hope as well.  ….  Read More

Hope in God


In such changing and challenging times for all of us, as Christians we want to reassure you that there is Hope for you and Hope for Bath. This hope is found outside of us, outside of all the wonderful medical staff who are working tirelessly for us, outside of our national leaders. This hope is ….  Read More